Super day at
Topform Ltd with
David Prendergast where I got the tour of their excellent factory. Thank you to
Paul Glynn for the invite. Topform are market leaders in kitchen worktop manufacturing and export much of their product to UK and Europe. They embrace Lean practices and a hunger for continuous improvement is clearly evident with management and staff. Their dedication to quality, service and efficiency allows them to compete with global suppliers in an ultra competitive market.
Many companies I visit see Lean manufacturing as a "one and done" exercise and often only attempt it when a consultant is hired. But Lean requires cultural change and a discipline to continue to improve working practices every single day. Finding just that 1% improvement on a consistent basis compounds to deliver dramatic results.
Walking through the factory floor of Topform and its environs you immediately notice there is no waste, stock pile of off cuts, waste packaging or dust accumulation. Raw material is stored with precision and easy access. The workflow is seamless and logical and the environment is calm and productive. Our industry could learn much from companies like Topform.
I wish all the team there continued success.